Chemistry Mock Test | रसायन विज्ञान Que & Ans

हेल्लो दोस्तों इस पोस्ट में हम Chemistry Mock Test के बारे में बता रहे है जो आपको जरुर पसंद आएँगे। ये प्रश्न उत्तर सभी प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं में पूछे जाते है। उम्मीदवार नीचे दिए गए प्रश्नोत्तरी की कोशिश कर सकते हैं। परीक्षा की अच्छी व जल्दी  तैयारी करने के लिए उन उम्मीदवारों को प्रैक्टिस सेट, मॉक टेस्ट, ऑनलाइन टेस्ट इत्यादि की जरूरत पड़ेगी यहा हम Chemistry Mock Test दे रहे है इन्हे जरूर पढ़े Chemistry Mock Test सभी प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं के लिए उपयोगी ऑनलाइन टेस्ट यहा उपलब्ध हैं।

Chemistry Mock Test

1. Iron is preventing from rusting by coating with zinc the process is called
  1. Galvanization

2. Spontaneous change is one in there is
    A lowering of free energy
  1. A lowering of free energy

3. Which of the following elements is not radio active
  1. Zirconium

4. Antacid are found in drugs that give relief to
    Stomatch Ache
  1. Stomatch Ache

5. Compound that has the least value of Octane number is
  1. N-heptane

6. Which is not an anaesthetic agent in surgical operations
  1. Acetone

7. The gas used to extinguish fire is
    Carbon dioxide
  1. Carbon dioxide

8. The percentage of Nitrogen in air is
    78.0 3
  1. 78.0 3

9. In electro refining the pure metal is deposited on
  1. Cathode

10. A nibble is equal to _______ bits
  1. 4

11. The open sigrees or coal stoves often require fanning to sustain burning because of
    Tendency of carbon dioxide to form a layer along with dust smoke
  1. Tendency of carbon dioxide to form a layer along with dust smoke

12. The highest volume of gases in your atmosphere is comprised of
  1. Nitrogen

13. Rectified spirit is
    95% ethyl alcohol
  1. 95% ethyl alcohol

14. The pH of lemon juice is expected to be
    Less than 7
  1. Less than 7

15. Radiations which is not emitted during the Radioactivity is
    Cathode rays
  1. Cathode rays

16. The depletion of Ozone layer is mainly due to
  1. Chlorofluorocarbon

17. Which of the following is very reactive and kept in kerosene
  1. Sodium

18. Which of the following is used as anaesthetic
  1. NO

19. Iron rusts quickly in
    Sea water
  1. Sea water

20. Nucleons are regarded as composites sub particles known as
  1. Quarks

21. Gypsum is used for improvement of
    Saline soils
  1. Saline soils

22. Kmno4 can be used as
  1. Disinfectant

23. Which of the following is not a chemical reaction
    Conversion of water into steam
  1. Conversion of water into steam

24. The alkoloid naturally found in coffee cocoa and cola nut is
  1. Caffeine

25. The moderator used in a nuclear reactor is
    Ordinary water
  1. Ordinary water

26. Which of the following will replace hydrogen from acid to form salt
  1. Na

27. Magnetite is
  1. Fe3O4

28. Sulphur dioxide bleaches colouring matter by
  1. Reduction

29. Which of the following has the highest penetrating power
    y Ray
  1. y Ray

30. Number of atoms present in 1 mole of a gas at step is
    6.023 × 10^23
  1. 6.023 × 10^23

31. The percentage of carbon in cost iron is
    3 to 5
  1. 3 to 5

32. The process of improving the quality of rubber by hitting it with Sulphur is called
  1. Vulcanization

33. pH scale ranges from
    0 - 14
  1. 0 - 14

34. The metal used for making aircrafts and rockets
  1. Nickel

35. The quality of petrol is expressed in terms of
    Octane number
  1. Octane number

36. The element observed both in cation and anion form is
  1. Nitrogen

37. Sweat contain water and____
  1. Salt

38. How many bones are there in a newly born infant
  1. 280

39. Natural rubber is a polymer of
  1. Isoprene

40. The chemical name of baking soda is
    Sodium Bicarbonate
  1. Sodium Bicarbonate

41. Which one of following minerals does not contain oxygen
  1. Cryolite

42. Brass is an alloy of
    Cu and Zn
  1. Cu and Zn

43. Which of the following is the maximum number of electrons that can be present in M shell
  1. 18

44. In deep sea diving sea divers use mixture mixture of gases consisting of Oxygen and
  1. Nitrogen

45. The major use of sulphur is in the manufacture of
    H2S o4
  1. H2S o4

46. The chemical name of plaster of paris commonly used for setting broken bones is
    Calcium sulphate
  1. Calcium sulphate

47. The most electronegative element among the following is
  1. Fluorine

48. Aerated water contains
  1. CO2

49. Aqua regia is a mixture of the following in the ratio 1:3 by volume
    Dil.HCL and dil. HNO3
  1. Dil.HCL and dil. HNO3

50. Hydrochloric acid is known as
    Muriatic acid
  1. Muriatic acid

51. Analyse used in making heating elements for electric heating device is
  1. Nichrome

52. Which of the following metals has least melting point
  1. Mercury

53. Which of the following is not a Greenhouse gas
  1. O2

54. Interveinal necrotic spots on leaves appear due to
    SO2 injury
  1. SO2 injury

55. The gas causing acid rain is an industrial area is
    Sulphur dioxide
  1. Sulphur dioxide

56. A thick paste of cement sand air water is called
  1. Mortar

57. The degree of dissociation of an electrolyte depends on
  1. Delusion

58. Who developed the model of atomic structure
    Bohr and Rutherford
  1. Bohr and Rutherford

59. The gas produced is massi place due to the composition of vegetation is
  1. Methane

60. Sulphuric acid is
  1. Dibasic

61. Carborundum is another name of
    Silicon carbide
  1. Silicon carbide

62. Which among the following is a covalent compound
    Carbon tetrachloride
  1. Carbon tetrachloride

63. Organic compound are
    Covalent compounds
  1. Covalent compounds

64. Vulcanized rubber contain Sulphur
    3 - 5%
  1. 3 - 5%

65. Poison used for killing rats is
    Zinc phosphide
  1. Zinc phosphide

66. Atomic Theory of Matter was given by
  1. Dalton

67. Which of the following is a metallic ore
  1. Galena

68. Diana gas used as Beacon light is
  1. Ne

69. In the periodic table of element on moving from left to right across a period the atomic radius
  1. Decrease

70. Which of the following is not a noble gas
  1. Hydrogen

71. Citric acid is present in form of
  1. Lemon

72. Combustion of candle is a
    Exothermic reaction
  1. Exothermic reaction

73. In an oxygen molecule two atoms are united by
    2 bonds
  1. 2 bonds

74. Mark the compound which possesses ionic covalent and co-ordinate Bond
  1. Nh4cl

75. Antacid tablets consists of
    Hydroxides of magnesium and Aluminium
  1. Hydroxides of magnesium and Aluminium

76. An example of heterocyclic compound is
  1. Furan

77. The chemical name of hypo commonly used in photography
    Sodium thiosulphate
  1. Sodium thiosulphate

78. Which one of the following elements exhibits the greatest tendency to lose electrons
  1. Lithium

79. Chemical name of common salt is
    Sodium chloride
  1. Sodium chloride

80. The non metal found is in the liquid state is
  1. Bromine

81. White Phosphorus is generally kept under
  1. Water

82. The pair of compound used as anaesthetic in madicines
    Nitrous oxide, chloroform
  1. Nitrous oxide, chloroform

83. Browning of paper old books is caused by
    Oxidation of cellulose
  1. Oxidation of cellulose

84. The inert gas which is substituted for nitrogen in the air used by deep sea divers for breathing is
  1. Helium

85. The Apparatus used to test acidity of aqueous solution is
    pH metre
  1. pH metre

86. The wire of flash bulb is made up of
  1. Mg

87. Which one of the following group of gases contribute to the greenhouse effect
    Carbon dioxide and methane
  1. Carbon dioxide and methane

88. For spontaneous process
    ∆G is -ve
  1. ∆G is -ve

89. Nylon is made up of
  1. Polyamide

90. The heat value of combustion of gasoline is
    47000 kj / kg
  1. 47000 kj / kg

91. Number of neutron in an atom of Hydrogen is
  1. Zero

92. When cathode rays strike a target of hai atomic weight they give rise to
    x Rays
  1. x Rays

93. Ionization energy of nitrogen is greater than that of oxygen because nitrogen has
    Stable half 2p sub level
  1. Stable half 2p sub level

94. The pollutant responsible for Ozone holes is
  1. CFC

95. How many neutrons are there in 92U238 atom
  1. 146

96. Chemical formula of washing soda
  1. Na2Co3.10H2O

97. The heaviest naturally occurring element is
  1. Uranium

98. Atoms of different elements have
    same atomic number and electronic configuration
  1. same atomic number and electronic configuration

99. Heating of a or below its melting point in the absence of air is known as
  1. Calcination

100. Exposure to mixture of chemicals are greater than expected on the basis of effects of exposure to each chemical individually this is known as
  1. Synergism

यहा इस लेख में हमने Chemistry Mock Test के बारे में बताया है। जो IBPS, SBI, SSC, RRB, GATE आदि के लिए उपयोगी प्रश्न उतर में आपके लिए बहुत फयदेमन्द, है मुझे उम्मीद है कि ये Chemistry Mock Test आपको पसंद आएगी। अगर आपको ये “Chemistry Mock Test” के बारे में दी जानकारी पसंद है तो हमारे फेसबुक पेज को लाइक और शेयर जरुर करें। और नवीनतम अपडेट के लिए हमारे साथ बने रहे।

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