Chemistry GK Online Test

हेल्लो दोस्तों इस पोस्ट में हम Chemistry GK Online Test के बारे में बता रहे है जो आपको जरुर पसंद आएँगे। ये प्रश्न उत्तर सभी प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं में पूछे जाते है। उम्मीदवार नीचे दिए गए प्रश्नोत्तरी की कोशिश कर सकते हैं। परीक्षा की अच्छी व जल्दी  तैयारी करने के लिए उन उम्मीदवारों को प्रैक्टिस सेट, मॉक टेस्ट, ऑनलाइन टेस्ट इत्यादि की जरूरत पड़ेगी यहा हम Chemistry GK Online Test दे रहे है इन्हे जरूर पढ़े

Chemistry GK Online Test

1. Which of the following is used to make light weight but strong plastic
    Polyvinyl chloride
  1. Polyvinyl chloride

2. What is the product formed when sodium bicarbonate is hated strongly
    Sodium carbonate
  1. Sodium carbonate

3. The purest form of water in nature is
  1. Rainwater

4. The Chemical that is used to ripen mango
    Calcium carbide
  1. Calcium carbide

5. Vinegar is
    Glacial acetic acid
  1. Glacial acetic acid

6. ______ is a by product of sewage treatment and can be decomposed to produce biogas
  1. Sludge

7. Which one of the following forms of phosphorus is most reactive
    White phosphorus
  1. White phosphorus

8. Ethylene is a_____
  1. Nonpolar

9. Which of the following is used as non stick coating for cooking utensils
  1. Teflon

10. All isotopes of the same element have
    The same atomic number but different atomic masses
  1. The same atomic number but different atomic masses

11. Chemical name of vinegar
    Acetic acid
  1. Acetic acid

12. Which of the following substance smell similar to ethanoic acid
  1. Vinegar

13. Synthetic detergents are prepared from
    Hydrocarbons of petroleum
  1. Hydrocarbons of petroleum

14. Thermal electricity is generated by using which of these
    Coal, natural gas and petroleum
  1. Coal, natural gas and petroleum

15. Besides CO2 The Other greenhouse gases
  1. Ch4

16. Bauxite is used as raw material by which of these
  1. Aluminium

17. Which of the following causes radioactive pollution along the coast of Kerala
  1. Thorium

18. An emulsion is a colloidal solution
    Liquid in liquid
  1. Liquid in liquid

19. Bio fertilizer convert nitrogen to
  1. Ammonia

20. Of the following commonly used material the one that is not an alloy is
  1. Copper

21. Which one of the following non metals shows allotropy in the liquid state
  1. Sulphur

22. Nylon threads are made of
    Polyamide polymer
  1. Polyamide polymer

23. Potassium permanganate is used for purifying drinking water can be cause
    It is an oxidizing agent
  1. It is an oxidizing agent

24. Nitric acid does not react with
  1. Gold

25. Helium is added to the oxygen supply of deep sea divers because it is
    Less soluble in blood than nitrogen at high pressure
  1. Less soluble in blood than nitrogen at high pressure

26. The chemical name of Quartz is
    Sodium silicate
  1. Sodium silicate

27. Which of the following vitamins is generally excreted human in urine
    Vitamin C
  1. Vitamin C

28. The depletion in Ozone Layer is caused by
  1. Chlorofluorocarbons

29. Which of the following has ph value
    Pure water
  1. Pure water

30. Activated charcoal is is used to remove colouring matter from pure substances by
  1. Absorption

31. Which of the following is a radioactive element
  1. Uranium

32. Bee sting contains
    An acidic liquid
  1. An acidic liquid

33. Which of the following is a commercial source of energy
    Natural gas
  1. Natural gas

34. Which one of the following takes place during a nuclear fission
    Two light nuclei combine to form a heavy necklace
  1. Two light nuclei combine to form a heavy necklace

35. Chemical properties of isotopes
    Must be same
  1. Must be same

36. Calcium salts used as fertilizer is
    Calcium sulphate
  1. Calcium sulphate

37. The manufacturing of iron from ironore involves the process of
  1. Reduction

38. Terylene is a condensation polymer of Ethylene glycol and which acid
    Terephthalic acid
  1. Terephthalic acid

39. Which one of the following fuels causes minimum environmental pollution
  1. Hydrogen

40. Which of the following is natural polymer
  1. Starch

41. The antiparticle of an electron is
  1. Positron

42. The source of energy that causes the least global warming is
    Geothermal energy
  1. Geothermal energy

43. The most abundant element in the earth's atmosphere is
  1. Nitrogen

44. Which of the following is usually not an air pollutant
    Nitrous oxide
  1. Nitrous oxide

45. Bronze is an alloy of
    Copper and Tin
  1. Copper and Tin

46. Atoms of same element having different mass number are called
  1. Isotopes

47. Iodex a pain relief balm has the smell of
    Methyl salicylate
  1. Methyl salicylate

48. Brown stains in vessel and clothes indicate the presence of high quantities of in water
  1. Magnesium

49. The list preferred technique in the disposal of municipal solid waste is
  1. Bricketting

50. What is zeolite
    Hydrated aluminosilicate
  1. Hydrated aluminosilicate

51. Which acid is used in Lead Storage battery
    Sulphuric acid
  1. Sulphuric acid

52. What is used in storage batteries
  1. Lead

53. Formic acid is produced by
    Red aunts
  1. Red aunts

54. Sullage water is
    Waste water release from kitchen
  1. Waste water release from kitchen

55. Calcium salts used as fertilizer is
    Calcium sulphate
  1. Calcium sulphate

56. Which is the heaviest metal among the following
  1. Gold

57. Removal of carbon particles from air involves principal of
  1. Electrophoresis

58. Nitrification is the biological process of converting
    Ammonia into nitrates
  1. Ammonia into nitrates

59. The solid waste is also known as
  1. Sludge

60. Which of the following is not a Donor atom
  1. Aluminium

61. Chernobyl disaster is the result of pollution by
    Radioactive waste
  1. Radioactive waste

62. Warning ammonium chloride with sodium hydrochloride in a test tubes is an example
    Open system
  1. Open system

63. Sour taste of lemon is due to the presence of which of the following
    Citric acid
  1. Citric acid

64. Even after sunset in the air near the earth surface continue to receive high due to
    Terrestrial radiation
  1. Terrestrial radiation

65. Ozone saves the biosphere by absorbing high energy radiation called
    Ultraviolet rays
  1. Ultraviolet rays

66. Iron and manganese present as pollutants in water cannot be moved by
  1. Chlorination

67. ____ is used for making vinegar
    Acetic acid
  1. Acetic acid

68. Inert gases are
    Chemically unreactive
  1. Chemically unreactive

69. LPG is mostly liquefied
  1. Butane

70. Which of the following gases is known as laughing gas
    Nitrous oxide
  1. Nitrous oxide

71. Silver gets corroded due to_____ in air
    Hydrogen sulphide
  1. Hydrogen sulphide

72. Chemical compositions of cement is
    Lime stone,clay and gypsum
  1. Lime stone,clay and gypsum

73. Highest percentage of carbon is found in which form of coal
  1. Anthracite

74. Which of the following is not a nitrogenous fertilizer
  1. Superphosphate

75. The chief constituent of natural gas is
  1. Methane

76. Which of the following is the correct sequence of countries in terms of maximum carbon dioxide emissions
    China,USA, EUROPEAN Union india
  1. China,USA, EUROPEAN Union india

77. In are welding Argon is used becos of its
    Low reactivity with metal
  1. Low reactivity with metal

78. During fermentation of sugar the compound which is always formed is
    Ethyl alcohol
  1. Ethyl alcohol

79. What are the components responsible for acid rain
    Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide
  1. Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide

80. Bridgmanite is
    Earth's most abundant Mineral
  1. Earth's most abundant Mineral

81. The biogas used for cooking is a mixture of which of the following
    Methane and carbon dioxide
  1. Methane and carbon dioxide

82. Phosphorus is kept in water because
    It's ignition temperature is very low
  1. It's ignition temperature is very low

83. When Ice cube are made the entropy of water
  1. Decrease

84. Sea water is saltier than rain water because
    River wash away Salt from earth and pour them into the sea
  1. River wash away Salt from earth and pour them into the sea

85. Copper substance when exposed to air gains a green coating due to the formation of
    CuCo3 Cu(OH)2
  1. CuCo3 Cu(OH)2

86. Brown stains in vessel and clothes indicate the presence of high quantities of in water
  1. Magnesium

87. Which of the following is not a natural source of hydrocarbon
  1. Mica

88. Trinitrotoluene is
    Used as an explosive
  1. Used as an explosive

89. ______ gives hardness to stainless steel
  1. Carbon

90. Which of the following serve as an electrolyte in a Lead Storage battery
    Sulphuric acid
  1. Sulphuric acid

91. The most pure form of carbon among the options is
  1. Anthracite

92. The compound used in prickly heat powder to prevent excessive sweating is
    Boric acid
  1. Boric acid

93. Which of the following acts as absorbent
    Activated coconut charcoal
  1. Activated coconut charcoal

94. Which one of the following is commonly used for pulp bleaching in the paper industry
    Hydrogen peroxide
  1. Hydrogen peroxide

95. Glycol is used to manufacture which of the following
  1. Terylene

96. Which of the process is known as nitrification
    Conversion of ammonia to nitrate
  1. Conversion of ammonia to nitrate

97. Which of the following is not soluble in water
    Potassium sulphate
  1. Potassium sulphate

98. When irons rusts its weight
  1. Increases

99. Silica gel is a
    Drying Agent
  1. Drying Agent

100. For extinguishing fire we use
    Carbon dioxide
  1. Carbon dioxide

यहा इस लेख में हमने Chemistry GK Online Test के बारे में बताया है। जो IBPS, SBI, SSC, RRB, GATE आदि के लिए उपयोगी प्रश्न उतर में आपके लिए बहुत फयदेमन्द, है मुझे उम्मीद है कि ये Chemistry GK Online Test आपको पसंद आएगी। अगर आपको ये “Chemistry GK Online Test” के बारे में दी जानकारी पसंद है तो हमारे फेसबुक पेज को लाइक और शेयर जरुर करें। और नवीनतम अपडेट के लिए हमारे साथ बने रहे।

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